Public Affairs

Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. The Perman Group has the capacity to employ economic development and community engagement strategies and meld them with corporate objectives.  When this division of Colgate-Palmolive, based in Topeka, KS, wanted to improve its minority workforce recruitment and retention, we offered a powerful analysis and a set of actionable recommendations for deployment.

The Challenge: Find the best ways for a pet nutrition company to attract and retain talent in a second-tier market.

Labor Market/Economic Analysis: The Perman Group analyzed this company’s talent challenges by surveying the national labor market, determined population trends, and concluding where the best places are to find young and minority candidates.  We also examined whether the existing business organizations, stakeholder institutions, and professional associations of the company offered an effective way to address human capital concerns.

Human Capital and Marketing Strategies: The Perman Group articulated a series of strategies for relocation of talent so new employees could assimilate into the area, connected Hill’s to resources that would enable them to build a pipeline of talent, identified the civic/community institutions most capable of meeting Hill’s needs, and provided specific marketing tactics to enhance the image of Topeka as a place to live/work.

The Result: Hill’s now had a plan to maximize its recruitment and retention potential and focus its resources on tactics that could meet its human capital objectives.